Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Paul P-Square “Valentine” message for the guys

Hmmmm… Wise words from a decent guy… Here is what he had to say.

Wen a gal disobey her parents just to please u,
When a girl spares her busy schedule and sacrifice just to see you, when a girl says sorry even though she didn’t do anything wrong…
When a girl CRIES becoz she still loves you.. When a girl still TRIES TO GET YOU BACK when you argue..when a girl no matter how much you HURT HER STILL LOVES YOU..when a girl STOPS her argument with her guy to SAVE her relationship.. When a girl continuosly makes you feel special and tries to make you happy no matter how you treat her as an option and mistreat her..When a girl is upset but does not tell you as she thinks she is annoying you..When a girl has tried all her best and wants to QUIT and leave you becoz of your rude behaviour but she is not able to do..That girl is a keeper and they are vry rare…DONT LET HER GO. Coz 1 day someone will walk into her life and make her realize why it didn’t work out with you….DEN U WILL REALIZE DAT U JUST LOST A PRECIOUS TREASURE.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

10 Commandments For A Youth(guy) To Be Successful

1. Do not depend on your parents’ wealth. Someone may come tomorrow to dupe you and you will lose everything. Learn to do things on your own.

2. God has given everyone a talent. Pray about yours, discover it, and work on it. Then it will work out for you.

3. Do not just sit down and ping, tweet, facebook while others are making money with their talents. Be wise for once, the owner of these things are using us to make money.

4. Its good to appreciate good things, but learn to appreciate it wisely and stop arguing un-neccessarily about football and players. When will people argue about you also? Think!

5. Don’t feel like a don for sleeping with too many ladies, they won’t make your destiny fufilled as some are filled with bad luck.

6. Learn to get a lady close to you to be successful as they say: without a woman,a man cannot be successful.

7. Learn to solve problem on ur own, its a good way of making it in life. Don’t copy others, tap little from them and modify it.

8.Stop drinking and smoking too much as it may damage ur life too much. Do it socially.

9. Learn to have a good heart, help people around you if you have the power as they’ll use their heart to bless you.

10. Think about impossible things, try to make it possible. Bigger people started from somewhere.

Culled from GistReel.com

Answers to the Riddles

1. The letter E
2. A river
3. Tomorrow or the Future
4. The Stars
5. A watermelon
6. The letter 'n'
7. Language
8. A coffin
9. Darkness
10. A Penny

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Riddles Time

1. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

2. What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

3. I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?

4. At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?

5. There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

6. What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?

7. Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

8. The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn't know they are. What is it?

9. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

10. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
     Hmmmm, waiting for the right answers..*winks*. Ten correct answers will win a prize.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kaduna Girl, 17, Commits Suicide By Drinking Insecticide After Being Caught At Boyfriend’s House

For fear of facing the shame of being caught in a boy’s house, a 17-year-old SS2 student, Christiana Silas, decided to commit suicide by taking a dose of insecticide in Karatudu area, Gonin Gora, Kaduna state, last Christmas.

Prior to the suicidal action, we gathered that the teenager was caught in a boy’s room in the neighourhood after being declared missing for hours.

The late girl allegedly disappeared from the house at about 9pm on Christmas day without disclosing her whereabouts to anyone.

Eyewitnesses claimed that family members and residents searched round Karatudu and Romi area for hours but all efforts proved futile.

On giving his account of the tragic incident, Christiana’s father, Mr. Silas Wuyah, said “when we asked one of the boys living in the compound opposite the house, he said she was not there, but my brother’s wife said she didn’t trust the boy because she wondered why he was staying outside up till about 11pm.”

Adhering to her instincts, his brother’s wife ignored the boy, went into his room and found the girl lying on his bed and covered with blanket.

“So my family members who were already confused and bitter over what happened rushed at the boy and started beating him. In the process of beating him, my daughter went inside the house and drank chemical used for killing termites. She was found foaming and rolling on the floor inside the parlour,” the bereaved father confirmed.

She was immediately rushed to a hospital in Gonin Gora, but she did not make it.

“I rushed back from Zaria to the hospital in Gonin Gora and it was confirmed to me that she was dead. I am still imagining what her problem could be that she has to kill herself. Maybe she was afraid of shame that she was caught in a boy’s room,” he added.

When asked if action would be taken against the boy in question, he said: “If I am to drag any case with the boy, I will just be wasting my time, because my daughter would not come back. The boy is part of the family, because he always comes to my house and I do send him on errands. Though I know that my daughter killed herself after she left his room, I have forgiven him. I know it is evil spirit that entered and asked her to take the chemical and die so that she will not listen to what anybody will say.”

Mr Silas claimed that the boy in question was not her boyfriend, but neighbours insisted that the boy was Christiana’s boy friend.

They also speculated that she probably killed herself to cover up for the shame of being in a boy’s room at that hour, or that perhaps she was pregnant and did not want to face the shame that might come later.

Sympathizers have continued to throng the house of Mr. Silas to console him over the death of his daughter who has since been buried.

Until her death, the late Christana Silas was an SSS2 student of Government Day Secondary School, Romi.

Top 10 Things Women Love To Hear

Do you sometimes find yourself struggling to find the right things to say to the lady in your life? If there’s one thing that has always kept men wondering about women, it has to be figuring outwhat they love to hear. Whether you are in a committed relationship or wanting to take your relationship to the next level, here are 10 phrasesthat women never get sick of hearing.

1. “You’re very smart.” Women want to be appreciated for their intelligence. By acknowledging her intelligence, you’re communicating that you recognize her brains and not just her figure.

2. “You are the most beautiful woman I know.” Aside from making her feel aesthetically superiorto other women, this remark will put her on a pedestal among her peers and give her an ego boost. She’ll feel good about herself and will also feel less threatened by other women when they are around you. This phrase is particularly effective in long-term relationships, as you’re assuring your woman that she’s still hot.

3. “You’re my best friend.” Want to assure her that you are the kind of man who’s not just with her for her looks? All you need to do is to tell her that she is not just the love of your life, but also your best friend. Telling her how you feel above and beyond a sexual context will make her feel overpoweringly connected to you.

4. “I am so proud of you.” Telling your woman how proud you are of her forworking hard to achieve her goals and showing your loving support will make her heart melt.

5. “You’re perfect just the way you are.” This statement says that you’ve accepted her completely. Giving her an ego boost like that makes her feel cognizant about how much you openly and willingly accept her flaws.

6. “I don’t want to be with anyone else.” This expression of enduring commitment says that she has become an essential, indispensable ingredient in your life and that you couldn’t live without her. This is a heavy line; it’s not many degrees away from proposing to her, so only saythis if you truly mean it.

7. “What do you feel/think about [anything]?” Women love to express their feelings on every topic imaginable. Asking this question tells your lady that you respect her views and that you’re genuinely concerned about her feelings and opinions.

8. “How was your day?” Asking about her day assures that you’re willing to lend her your pair of ears and focus on what she has to say.

9. “You’re great in bed.” Praising her performance in bed makes her feel like she really knows how to satisfy you and indicates that you appreciate her performance between the sheets.

10. “I love you.” Few men realize or appreciate the power of saying “I love you.” By saying those three magic words (when you really mean it), you’re acknowledging an attachment to your woman and satisfying her most basic emotional need–toknow how her man feels about her and to hearit. abuse the words.

Remember – saying this just to smooth over mistakes or as a precursor to every word out of your mouth won’t fill her with delight. Sometimes it’s not just about the words from a man’s mouth, it is also about showing your love through your actions

Sunday, January 13, 2013

10 Mistakes Men Make In Bed – A Must Read For All Men

Just as men sometimes tell their buddies the gory details of their sex lives, women will often make their relationships the focal point of their conversations on girls’ night out.

Lucky for you, I have turned this potentially terrifying prospect to your advantage. Below are 10 of the most common mistakes men make during sex, taken directly from the ladies’ mouths, and how to fix them. So read on and make sure that you aren’t turning your woman off without even realizing it.

1- Not setting the scene

I realize that you aren’t necessarily a set designer, but seducing your woman will be a heck of a lot easier if your pad provides her with a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. That means no dirty laundry or empty pizza boxes on the floor, and no strange house guests on your couch.

So, tidy up a bit, dim the lights, put on some nice mood music, and pour her a glass of wine. Just make sure not to go overboard and turn your place into a Bond-like sex haven, with curtains that close with a remote, strategically angled lighting, and a mini-bar complete with ice machine built into the wall, or she will bolt before you can offer her a martini.

2- Skipping foreplay all the time

At one time or another, we’ve all experienced a moment so passionate that wasting time on foreplay was unthinkable – and if you haven’t yet, you should. However, getting caught up in the heat of the moment is quite different from pouncing on her out of nowhere, and cutting straight to the chase on a regular basis.

Sometimes, she needs a little appetizer before the main course. Something as simple as a lustful caress, a sensual kiss or a suggestive whisper in her ear, followed by a come-hither look, can mean the difference between a night she will never forget and one she will want to forget as soon as possible.

3- Moving too fast

You practiced restraint during dinner when she was sitting across from you in that low-cut dress, giving you those eyes and flashing you that smile. You practiced restraint in the car on the way to your place, as her dress was hiking up ever so slightly, showing off her toned thighs. You even controlled yourself while you were sitting next to one another on your couch, and she was absent-mindedly touching your knee, and looking away whenever you caught her giving you that look. So, why blow it in bed?

Practicing restraint in bed will only get her hotter, making her want you even more, and will inevitably lead to a mind-blowing sexual experience for both of you. So learn to pace yourself and enjoy everything the moment has to offer. Trust me, you’ll both be happy you did.

Do you pay enough attention to her body language or disrespect her without meaning to?

4- Ignoring her body language

Although a woman may initially be too shy to tell you exactly what she wants in bed, her body language will give her away. It is up to you to pay attention to her telltale signs until she is comfortable enough with you to really open up verbally. So don’t treat her like a blow-up doll and have your way with her (unless, of course, she has specifically asked you to do so).

Try to notice how she responds to your touch and react accordingly. If you sense that she is tensing up when you touch her or try to move her body in a certain way, it could be that you are being too rough or that she is ticklish, so be more gentle. If, on the other hand, she seems completely unaffected by your caresses, it’s time to turn up the volume and shake things up a bit.

5- Wanting to try too many things at once

Most women have an adventurous side and are willing to try new things in bed once they trust their lover enough. But, if you ever want her to reach that point with you, the last thing you should do is force the issue too soon into the relationship. Doing so may blow your chances of her ever considering the idea again.

Try to introduce new positions and reveal fantasies slowly but surely, starting with the tamer requests and working your way up to the racier ones. This way, there’s no telling how far you can go.

6- Disrespecting her

Despite what you see in porno movies and, to a lesser extent, on MTV, women don’t particularly want to be disrespected in bed. Although they might go along with it to please you at first, doing so may eventually cause them to feel uncomfortable, and even resentful.

So make sure that before you call her any derogatory names, engage in rough play or ejaculate on her, that you have her wholehearted consent. If you are really into these sorts of things, make sure that you’re with a woman who is too, and be sure to run your fantasies by her beforehand to gauge her reactions, and not just spring them on her in bed where she may not quite know how to react.

Don’t assume she’s satisfied.

7- Being too bossy

While communicating your preferences is important, so is going with the flow and doing what feels right. So, don’t bark out orders like a drill sergeant and expect her to comply without question. Sex is supposed to be fun and free, not unpleasant and stressful.

Rather than being clinical with directions, try soft-spoken requests, communicating your desires with your eyes (for romantics only), or gently moving her body into the appropriately accommodating position and seeing her reaction. Such approaches will yield much more favorable results than the commando approach.

8- Forgetting her erogenous zones

The fact that you’re probably fascinated with a nice pair of knockers practically ensures that you will rarely forget to fondle a woman’s breasts during sex. Unfortunately, it is easy to forget that a woman’s body is full of less obvious erogenous zones.

Next time you’re in bed with your woman, try kissing her collar bone, where her shoulder meets her neck, gently running your fingers along her back, caressing and kissing her hips, or teasing the soles of her feet. Doing so will surely give her goose bumps and drive her crazy, and she will undoubtedly want to please you in return.

9- Assuming she’s satisfied

Just because you got off, that doesn’t mean that she’s satisfied. Remember that there is another person there with you who would also like to bask in that afterglow. At least make an effort to please her.

Look at it this way: If she is just as satisfied as you, she will likely be too spent for “pillow talk” and want to take a nap with you. So, get to it.

10- Bailing afterwards

While wanting to hit the hay after great sex is perfectly understandable, and often the natural thing to do, taking off on a woman after having sex with her is among the most rotten things a guy can do. Not only do you look like a jerk, but just think about how she’s left feeling.

If you can’t stand a woman enough to spend the night with her and not bail on her before sunrise, then you’ll have to deal with the aftermath (she’ll tell all her friends). At least spend 30 minutes talking to her before you split. Or, you can always opt to sleep with a chick you could bear looking at after you ejaculate.

Comedian Oke-Bakassi Writes a Letter to God Concerning Nigeria!!

Oke Bakassi, one of Nigeria’s finst comedian decided to write God. Here is his Hilarious piece below ; Hilarious I think...hehehe

Dear Almighty Sir,

I don’t know what time it is in your area so I’ll simply say good day Sir. I’m very grateful for making me experience 2013 and I’m sorry for all my sins in 2012.

I would have promised not to sin in 2013 but I don’t want to lie because you already know my future.

Please help me be a better and more successful person this year. Also protect and bless my family, friends and fans.

I hereby present some personal issues before you:

1. Will Nigeria be better this year or ever? If no I seek your approval to go and take up citizenship somewhere else but if yes be fast before they empty our treasury and our oil wells run dry.

2. Please help us with the exchange rate. Help de Naira catch up with the dollar.

3. Have you relocated Hell to Nigeria? If no, what are Boko Haram and Kidnappers doing here?

4. Do we allow GEJ do another term? If no please do something before we ‘Occupy Everywhere’.

5. Adjust the brain of our youths so that their savings will end up in bank accounts not boutiques and night clubs.

6. There are more diseases now than brands of condom available. What do we do? Urgent answer required.

7. Please is your son coming soon? We have forgotten the meaning of true love since the last time he came.

8. Please I need your BB pin if possible, I want to send you pictures and links of what pastors and government officials are doing with our money. I guess you already know.

On behalf of my wife and children I say thank you.

Yours Faithfully

Okey ‘Bakassi’ Onyegbule  

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hmmmm...its so nice to be here and I seriously wish u enjoy your time ad moments on this fantastic and wonderful blog.
Well well,DebbyFolks is all about the everyday happenings,Local and International gossips, News, and Music gist...You are so gonnna ENJOY my news. Have a nice day. LOVE YA.